samba dance
Vero Leopoldino
Vero Leopoldino

Sunday May 4 • 10:30—12:00
Level: All
Dydd Sul Mai 4 • 10:30—12:00
Lefel: pawb

Take a samba journey in this workshop as we develop understanding of how samba has evolved from the roots of Samba de Roda in Bahia to the 'Escolas de Samba' (Samba Schools) in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. This workshop is open to all levels tapping into the essence, musicality, and playful nature of samba.
Vero Leopoldino is a multi-disciplinary artist, dancer, teacher, choreographer, photographer and cultural producer. She specialises in Afro-Brazilian arts and culture and has worked across community and corporate environments, teaching since 2006. Her studies have led her to travel across Europe, and to Brazil, Senegal, India and Bali.
Vero has worked with artists and organisations across the UK to ignite, inspire and shape movements including Bloco B, Aquarela Dance, Irineu Nogueira and Abieié Dance, Dendê Nation, Mariana Pinho and Maracatudo Mafua, Element Dance and Cordão De Ouro.
Project and performance highlights include Brazil Day at Trafalgar Square, TedX Euston, Horniman Museum and Gardens, Birmingham NEC, Glastonbury Festival, Bristol Harbour Festival, Valleyfest, WOMAD Festival, Hackney Carnival and Notting Hill Carnival.
Vero Leopoldino
Ewch ar daith samba yn y gweithdy hwn wrth i ni ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o sut mae samba wedi esblygu o wreiddiau Samba de Roda yn Bahia i'r 'Escolas de Samba' (Ysgolion Samba) yn Rio de Janeiro a São Paulo. Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn agored i bob lefel gan fanteisio ar hanfod, cerddgarwch, a natur chwareus samba.
Mae Vero Leopoldino yn artist amlddisgyblaethol, yn ddawnsiwr, yn athrawes, yn goreograffydd, yn ffotograffydd ac yn gynhyrchydd diwylliannol. Mae'n arbenigo mewn celfyddydau a diwylliant Affro-Brasil ac mae wedi gweithio ar draws amgylcheddau cymunedol a chorfforaethol, gan addysgu ers 2006. Mae ei hastudiaethau wedi ei harwain i deithio ar draws Ewrop, ac i Frasil, Senegal, India a Bali.
Mae Vero wedi gweithio gydag artistiaid a sefydliadau ar draws y DU i danio, ysbrydoli a siapio symudiadau gan gynnwys Bloco B, Aquarela Dance, Irineu Nogueira ac Abieié Dance, Dendê Nation, Mariana Pinho a Maracatudo Mafua, Element Dance a Cordão De Ouro.
Mae uchafbwyntiau’r prosiectau a pherfformio yn cynnwys Diwrnod Brasil yn Sgwâr Trafalgar, TedX Euston, Amgueddfa a Gerddi Horniman, Birmingham NEC, Gŵyl Glastonbury, Gŵyl Harbwr Bryste, Valleyfest, Gŵyl WOMAD, Carnifal Hackney a Charnifal Notting Hill.
Vero Leopoldino
Photo: Bristol Picture - Paul Lippiatt