
Welcome to Barry, where the vibrant rhythms of Afro-Brazilian music come alive in a celebration of culture, colour, and creativity.
Welsh Encontro Cymru 2025 brings together the best of Brazilian beats, featuring live performances from top musicians, immersive workshops, and exciting dance sessions.
Experience the infectious energy of bloco percussion, the soulful sounds of Afro-Brazilian rhythms, and the dazzling explosion of colour that fills the streets.
Join us for an unforgettable celebration of music, movement, and the rich traditions that unite us all. Whether you're a music lover, dancer, or simply looking for an amazing cultural experience, this festival is not to be missed.
Croeso i’r Barri, lle daw rhythmau bywiog cerddoriaeth Affro-Brasil yn fyw mewn dathliad o ddiwylliant, lliw, a chreadigedd.
Mae Encontro Cymru 2025 yn dod â churiadau gorau Brasil ynghyd, gan gynnwys perfformiadau byw gan gerddorion gwych, gweithdai trochi, a sesiynau dawns cyffrous.
Profwch yr egni taro bloco, rhythmau cyffrous Affro-Brasil, a'r ffrwydrad syfrdanol o liw sy'n llenwi'r strydoedd.
Ymunwch â ni am ddathliad bythgofiadwy o gerddoriaeth, symudiad, a’r traddodiadau cyfoethog sy’n uno pob un ohonom. P'un a ydych chi'n hoff o gerddoriaeth, yn ddawnsiwr, neu'n chwilio am brofiad diwylliannol anhygoel, nid yw'r ŵyl hon i'w cholli.