Barry, SOuth Wales
Y Barri, De Cymru

Festival of carnival
percussion and dance
South Wales’ largest and longest running carnival street bands, Samba Galêz and Barracwda, are teaming up to deliver the Welsh Encontro Cymru 2025. An Encontro is a meeting of Afro-Brazilian influenced percussion and carnival bands to learn, share, perform, and celebrate!
The weekend will involve a packed programme of participatory workshops for personal and skill development, a showcase evening, busking slots for visiting bands providing opportunities for all to perform, and a mass busk finale on the first May bank holiday weekend of 2025.
GWyl offerynnau taro
a dawns y carnifal
Mae bandiau carnifal cymunedol mwyaf a hynaf De Cymru, Samba Galêz a Barracwda, yn ymuno i gyflwyno Encontro Cymru 2025. Mae Encontro yn gyfarfod o fandiau taro a charnifal gyda dylanwad ffyrdd Affro-Brasil i ddysgu, rhannu, perfformio, a dathlu!
Bydd y penwythnos yn cynnwys rhaglen lawn weithdai ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau, noson arddangos, darparu cyfleoedd i bawb berfformio gyda slotiau ar gyfer bandiau sy’n dod i'r ŵyl, a diweddglo bysgio yn cynnwys pawb ar benwythnos gŵyl banc cyntaf mis Mai 2025.
Samba Galêz
Baque de Axé
Barracwda • Samba Galêz • BLOCO B • Baque de Axé •

What's Occurin'
The showcase will take you from Maracatu to Drum and Bass while our busking programme features street percussion bands from across the UK.
Bydd y sioe yn mynd â chi o Maracatu i Drwm a Bas tra bod ein rhaglen bysgio yn cynnwys bandiau taro stryd o bob rhan o'r DU.
Bands | Bandiau
Workshops | Gweithdai
Develop skills and learn new ones - sing, dance, play - there’s something for everyone.
Datblygu sgiliau a dysgu rhai newydd - canu, dawnsio, chwarae - mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb.

Your hosts
eich gwesteiwyr
Cardiff based Afro Brazilian percussion band, fusing samba with funk, reggae and jungle.
Band taro Affro Brasil o Gaerdydd, yn asio samba gyda ffync, reggae a jyngl.
Funky rhythms and choreography from Wales’s longest running carnival street band – reflecting influences from Brazil, Africa, Cuba and beyond.
Rhythmau ffynci a choreograffi gan fand stryd carnifal hynaf Cymru – yn adlewyrchu dylanwadau o Frasil, Affrica, Ciwba a thu hwnt.