

Sam Alexander 



Sam Alexander 

Sunday May 4 12:30—14:00

Level: ALL *Own instrument required required not suitable for repiniques, tamborims, and chocalho's. Surdo players to bring a scarf to dampen the skin and to bring one beater and one snare stick.

Dydd Sul Mai 4 12:30—14:00

Lefel: PAWB *Mae angen offeryn eich hun ddim yn addas ar gyfer repiniques, tamborims, a chocalho's. Fydd angen chwaraewyr surdo ddod â sgarff i dampio'r croen ac i ddod ag un curwr ac un ffon drwm


Sam Alexander started playing samba in 1985 with the London School of Samba, and in the years that followed was co-founder of Samba Gales and Bristol Samba He travelled to Brazil in 1990 and fell in love with Maracatu Staying there for 18 months he began a story with Recife and traditional culture and communities that has been part of his journey ever since. He introduced Maracatu to the UK in 1993 when he co-founded Acorda Povo and this project led to the setting up of Maracatu Estrela do Norte in 2002. In the last 22 years the group has continued to spread the word about maracatu and the Afro Brazilian and indigenous culture of Recife, Pernambuco.

In 2017, the group changed its name to Baque de Axé as part of its affiliation to the great maracatu group from Recife, Nação de Maracatu Porto Rico which was first registered in 1916, but even then was called the old Maracatu Porto Rico. This connection with the community of the Bode, in the favela of Pina where The Nação de Maracatu Porto Rico is located has created such a strong link of mutual love and support that the group is now stronger than ever. Part of this is the connection with the terreiro Ylé Axé Oxossi Guangoubira (terreiros are afro-Brazilian places of worship) that is at the core of the maracatu, the community, the rhythms and resistance. Baque de Axé is proud to represent their Nação and Ylé at this encontro!



Dechreuodd Sam Alexander chwarae samba yn 1985 gyda’r London School of Samba, ac yn y blynyddoedd a ddilynodd roedd yn gyd-sylfaenydd Samba Gales a Bristol Samba. Teithiodd i Frasil yn 1990 a syrthiodd mewn cariad â Maracatu. Gan aros yno am 18 mis dechreuodd stori gyda Recife a diwylliant traddodiadol a chymunedau sydd wedi bod yn rhan o’i daith ers hynny. Cyflwynodd Maracatu i’r DU ym 1993 pan gydsefydlodd Acorda Povo ac arweiniodd y prosiect hwn at sefydlu Maracatu Estrela do Norte yn 2002. Yn y 22 mlynedd diwethaf mae’r grŵp wedi parhau i ledaenu’r gair am Maracatu a diwylliant Affro Brasil a chynhenid Recife, Pernambuco.

Yn 2017, newidiodd y grŵp ei enw i Baque de Axé fel rhan o'i gysylltiad â'r grŵp maracatu gwych o Recife, Nação de Maracatu Porto Rico a gofrestrwyd gyntaf yn 1916, a elwid yr hen Maracatu Porto Rico.  Mae'r cysylltiad hwn â chymuned y Bode, yn favela Pina lle mae'r Nação de Maracatu Porto Rico wedi'i leoli wedi creu cyswllt mor gryf o gefnogaeth cariad cilyddol fel bod y grŵp bellach yn gryfach nag erioed. Rhan o hyn yw'r cysylltiad â'r terreiro Ylé Axé Oxossi Guangoubira (mae terreiros yn fannau addoli affro-Brasil) sydd wrth wraidd y maracatu, y gymuned, y rhythmau a'r gwrthiant. Mae Baque de Axé yn falch o gynrychioli eu Nação ac Ylé yn yr Encontro hwn!