Introduction to Capoeira
D’son Pereira
Cyflwyniad i Capoeira
D’son Pereira

Saturday May 3 • 14:00—15:30
Level: All
Dydd Sadwrn Mai 3 • 14:00—15:30
Lefel: pawb

D'son started training Capoeira age 11 and has practised ever since. Capoeira is a powerful form of martial art and dance that was brought to Brazil by enslaved people. Capoeira as it is known today developed in D’son’s birthplace, Salvador Bahia. D’son learned his skills with many of Salvador’s capoeira masters, such as mestre King and mestre Virgilio dos Anjos. He has trained in different styles including Capoeira Angola and capoeira regional and started teaching as an assistant at 17. He found his capoeira home with mestre Nenel the son of one of the most famous capoeiristas, mestre Bimba. D’son has taught capoeira in the UK since 2013 and in Cardiff at Cathays community centre since 2019. He also provides school workshops and enjoys participating in events where he can share the amazing culture of capoeira with people of all ages and backgrounds.
Dechreuodd D'son hyfforddi yn Capoeira yn 11 oed ac mae wedi ymarfer ers hynny. Mae Capoeira yn ffurf bwerus o grefft ymladd a dawns a ddygwyd i Frasil gan bobl gaeth. Datblygodd Capoeira fel y'i gelwir heddiw ym man geni D'son, Salvador Bahia. Dysgodd D’son ei sgiliau gyda llawer o feistri capoeira Salvador, fel Mestre King a Mestre Virgilio dos Anjos. Mae wedi hyfforddi mewn gwahanol arddulliau gan gynnwys Capoeira Angola a capoeira rhanbarthol. Dechreuodd ddysgu fel cynorthwyydd yn 17 oed. Daeth o hyd i'w gartref capoeira gyda Mestre Nenel (fab i un o'r capoeiristas enwocaf, Mestre Bimba). Mae D’son wedi dysgu capoeira yn y DU ers 2013 ac yng Nghaerdydd yng Nghanolfan Gymunedol Cathays ers 2019. Mae hefyd yn darparu gweithdai ysgol ac yn mwynhau cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau lle gall rannu diwylliant anhygoel capoeira gyda phobl o bob oed a chefndir.